Accounting Study Program D3 Accounting is currently accredited “A”
Vision of the Accounting-D3 Study Program:
In 2025, it will become a Diploma III Study Program in Applied Accounting, which is recognized for its quality nationally and is oriented towards MSME and Regional Business.
Mission of the Accounting-D3 Study Program:
1.Implementing the quality of vocational education in the field of accounting to create graduates who are moral, academically and professionally dedicated, have a competitive advantage, are able to lead and are adaptive.
2.Carrying out continuous research for the development of science and application of accounting in accordance with the development of MSMEs and regional based economies and disseminating the results to the national and international community.
3. Carry out community service related to the application of accounting based on the development of MSMEs and the rural economy and disseminate the results to the national and international community.
4. Building networks at the national, regional and international levels with the support of reliable information systems and technology to ensure that efforts to improve technical education and post-education services are supported.
Objectives of the Accounting-D3 Study Program:
- Able to become an intermediate accounting technician who is able to do work in accounting at large-scale service, trade and / or manufacturing companies (business entities) and / or go public in accordance with generally accepted and relevant standards and principles in accounting, through general and relevant processes in accounting, through the process of analyzing financial data and selecting appropriate methods, supported by skills in the fields of management, information technology, interpersonal and communication skills.
- Mastering the theoretical concepts of accounting in general and other relevant concepts to solve problems and / or go public.
- Able to work together and communicate effectively in a work group (team work) either in its position as a member and / or as a working group leader, to complete work in the accounting field including documenting work results in the form of a written report.
- Able to evaluate and supervise the achievement of work results in the accounting sector which are the responsibility of both members and / or leaders in a work group.
Accounting Study Program Curriculum-D3
The higher education curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding content, study materials, and learning materials as well as how to deliver them, and assessments that are used as guidelines for implementing learning activities in higher education. The curriculum should contain graduate competency standards that are structured into the main, supporting and other competencies that support the achievement of goals, the implementation of the mission, and the realization of the vision of the Study Program.
The curriculum contains courses that support the achievement of graduate competencies and provide flexibility for students to broaden their horizons and deepen their skills according to their interests, and is equipped with a course / module / block study program desk, syllabus, learning plan and evaluation. Achievement of competencies expected by students to be able to do a good job, mastering theoretical concepts of accounting in general and other relevant knowledge in the field of accounting and able to manage groups. This is reflected in the curriculum that is organized and elaborated in accounting subjects and content as the competence of D-III program graduates. The curriculum must be designed based on its relevance to the objectives, scope and depth of material, organization that encourages the formation of hard skills and personality and behavioral skills (soft skills) that can be applied in various situations and conditions.
The curriculum structure based on the sequence of courses (MK) semester by semester is as follows:
Semester I:
- Pancasila Education (2sks)
- Religious Education (2sks) (Islamic Education, Catholic Education, Protestant Christian Education, Buddhist Education, Hindu Religion Education)
- Citizenship (2sks)
- Unsoed Identity (2sks)
- English I (2sks)
- Introduction to Economics (3sks)
- Introduction to Accounting I (3sks)
- Introduction to Business (3sks)
Semester II:
- Indonesian Language (2sks)
- Civil / Business Law (3sks)
- Management (3sks)
- Statistics (2sks)
- Indroduction Accounting II (3sks)
- Introductory accounting practice I (3sks)
- Taxation I (3sks)
- English II (2sks)
Semester III:
- Introduction to Computer Applications (3sks)
- Statistical Practicum (2sks)
- Introductory accounting practice II (3sks)
- Accounting. Intermediate Cost I (3sks)
- Cost Accounting I (3sks)
- Government Accounting (2sks)
- Accounting System (3sks)
- Taxation II (3sks)
- Banking Accounting (2sks)
Semester IV:
- Company Budget (2sks)
- Auditing I (2sks)
- Akt Keu Intermediate II (3sks)
- Practice Akt. Keu. Intermediate (2sks)
- Cost Accounting II (3sks)
- Practice. Accounting System (2sks)
- Financial Management (3sks)
- Tax Practicum (2sks)
- Management Information Systems (2sks)
- Computer Accounting (3sks)
Semester V:
- Practice. Angg. Company (2sks)
- Auditing II (2sks)
- Practice. Account. Cost (2sks)
- Practice Ac Keu Intermediate II (2sks)
- Advanced Financial Accounting (2sks)
- Management Accounting (2sks)
- Auditing Practicum (2sks)
- Financial Report Analysis (2sks)
- Internal Examination (3sks)
- Prak. Advanced Keu Acts (2sks)
- Report Writing Techniques (2sks)
Semester VI:
- Work Practices and Working Paper (4sks)
- Comprehensive Exam (2sks)
Lecturer, D3-Accounting Study Program
- Prof. Drs. Bambang Agus Pramuka, M.Acc, Ph.D, Ak, CA
- Dra. Atiek Sri Purwati, M.Si, Ak, CA
- Dra. Irianing Suparlinah, M.Si. Ak, CA
- Drs. Agung Praptapa, MBA, Ak, CA
- Dr. Eko Suyono, S.E.,, Ak., CA
- Dr. Margani Pinasti, SE.,M.Si, Ak., CA
- Dr. Oman Rusmana, SE., M.Si, Ak., CA
- Dr. Negina Kencono Putri, SE, M.Si, Ak., CA
- Drs. Sigit Wibowo Dwi Nugroho, M.M.
- Srihartini, S.H, MH
- Drs. Muhammad Taufiq, M.H
- Sukirman, S.H., M.Hum
- Sri Lestari, S.E, M.Si
- Saryono Hanadi, SH, MH
- Drs. Tohir, M.M
- Drs. Rasyid Mei Mustafa, M.M, Ak
- Drs. Oke Setiarso, M.Si
- Drs. Noor Asyik, M.Ag
- Drs. Herman Sambodo, M.P
- Drs. Hary Pudijanto, M.M
- Drs. Bambang Sunarko, M.M
- Drs. Amber Lumbantoruan, M.Si, Ak
- Dra. Titi Nurfitri, M.M
- Dra. Nunik Kadarwati, M.Si.
- Dra. Irianing Suparlinah, M.Si.,Ak
- Dra. Dijan Rahajuni, M.Si
- Umi Pratiwi, S.E, M.Si, Ak
- Drs. Sugiarto, M.Si, Ak
- Retno Widuri, S.E, M.Si
- Novita Puspasari, Ak, M.Sc
- Drs. Rusmusi Indranjoto MP, M.Si
Main Competencies of Graduates
- Able to present and analyze financial statements
- Able to present reports on the cost of products of manufacturing companies.
- Able to present management accounting information
- Able to carry out financial report audits and create audit working papers
- Able to calculate and calculate Income Tax (PPh), Value Added Tax & Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPN & PPnBM) as well as being able to prepare Tax Deposit (SSP) and Tax Returns (SPT).
- Able to prepare company budget
- Able to implement accounting information systems.
- Operate and utilize spreadsheet application software, data processing applications (dBase), and accounting applications.
Supporting Competencies of Graduates
- Mastering general theoretical accounting concepts and other relevant knowledge in the field of accounting
- Able to adjust quickly to the work environment and cooperate in work groups
- Able to prepare written reports on the results of their work
- Able to apply communication techniques effectively
- Able to apply social ethics in the field of business and professional practice at work
- Able to implement on-site health and safety practices
- Able to supervise and evaluate the work that is the responsibility of the work group they lead
- Foreign language skills (English)
Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED Jl. Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin No.708 Grendeng Purwokerto, Central Java INDONESIA 53122
No. Phone: (0281) 637970, 639643
No. Facsimile: (0281) 640268