No. | Institution Name | Type of Activity | Collaboration Period | Benefits | |
Start | End | ||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) |
01 | BANK INDONESIA | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2008 | Now | Implementation of collaborative activities in consumer surveys and public lectures about the Central Bank |
02 | PEMKAB Banyumas | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2007 | Now | Implementation of collaborative research activities related to regional investment feasibility studies |
03 | RS Orthopedi Purwokerto | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfilling requests for experts and consulting in the field of accounting and information systems |
04 | RS PKU Muh Gombong | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the demand for experts in the field of accounting and information systems |
05 | STIE Muh Cilacap | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfilling the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, auditing, systems and taxation |
06 | Universitas Pancasakti Tegal | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, taxation and management |
07 | STIE Muh Pekalongan | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, taxation and management |
08 | STIE Semarang | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, taxation and management |
09 | STIE Islam Bumiayu | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2011 | Now | Fulfill the demand for teaching staff for management and accounting majors |
10 | Universitas Pancasila | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the demand for teaching staff in the field of accounting, auditing, systems and taxation |
11 | STIE Atmabakti Solo | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, auditing, systems and taxation |
12 | Universitas Pekalongan | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfilling the demand for teaching staff in the field of accounting and management |
13 | UGM | HR Improvement | 2007 | Now | Sending lecturers for Doctoral studies to UGM |
14 | UNPAD | HR Improvement | 2007 | Now | Sending lecturers for Doctoral studies to UNPAD |
15 | Universitas Batanghari Jambi | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2011 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
16 | BRI | Scholarship | 2011 | Now | Provides scholarships for undergraduate students |
17 | ITB | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2011 | Now | Implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
18 | USU | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2011 | Now | Implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
19 | Pemda Brebes | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2011 | Now | Implementation of collaborative research activities to calculate regional income potential |
20 | PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri | Distribution of Graduates | 2012 | Now | Distribution of UNSOED graduates |
21 | STIMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | Providing support for teaching staff |
22 | Pemkab. Banjarnegara | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | Implementation of research and community service activities related to MSME development |
23 | Yayasan EPPATA AMPELGADING Pemalang | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | The implementation of community service activities related to community empowerment |
24 | Yayasan Muhadi Setiabudi | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | Implementation of collaborative community service activities |
25 | UNMUS | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education in the form of accepting Masters students |
26 | UNISKA | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
27 | Pemkab Cilacap | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
28 | Pemkab Banjarnegara | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | Implementation of research and community service activities related to MSME development |
29 | Pemkab Purworejo | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | Implementation of research and community service activities regarding a survey of regional income potential |
30 | PT. MINORI | Graduate Placement | 2012 | Now | Distribution of UNSOED Graduates |
31 | PT. FUJI BIJAK PRESTASI | Graduate Placement | 2012 | Now | Distribution of UNSOED Graduates |
32 | LPBJ AYUMI | Graduate Placement | 2012 | Now | Distribution of UNSOED Graduates |
33 | UNWIKU | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2012 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education in terms of accepting Masters students |
34 | PT. KOKUSAI KOMUNIKA INDONESIA | Graduate Placement | 2012 | Now | Distribution of UNSOED Graduates |
35 | UNSIL Tasikmalaya | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education in terms of helping teaching staff |
36 | STIM Nitro Keuangan dan Perbankan Makasar | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
37 | Magistra Utama Purwokerto | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education in terms of helping teaching staff |
38 | Pemkab. Batang | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | Implementation of research activities and community service |
39 | Univ. Galuh Ciamis | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education |
40 | DIRJEN PAJAK JATENG | Tax Center Collaboration | 2013 | Now | Implementation of activities related to taxation (training, seminars, research) |
41 | YAYASAN PUPUK KALTIM | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
42 | SMA N 1 Purbalingga | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
43 | RS. Wijaya kusuma | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
44 | Yayasan Pendidikan Vidya Dahana Patra | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
45 | SMP N 2 Purwokerto | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | The implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service |
46 | Pemkab. Rembang | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2013 | Now | Regional potential development activities carried out |
47 | RS Orthopedi Purwokerto | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2009 | Now | Fulfill the request for Experts and consulting in the field of accounting and information systems |
48 | Dompet Duafa | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Sharia and Halal Products Lab |
49 | BRI Syariah | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Banking Laboratory |
50 | BRI Artha Laksana | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Banking Laboratory |
51 | KOSUKU | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Entrepreneurship Laboratory |
52 | Shapire Group | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Property Laboratory |
53 | MNC Sekuritas | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Capital Market Laboratory |
54 | PT. Nusa Berdaya Indonesia | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Export Import Laboratory |
55 | Kampung Marketer | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Digital Marketing Laboratory |
56 | Inno Cyrcle | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internships managed by the KUKM Laboratory |
57 | PT. Ebiz | Implementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma | 2019 | Now | Practicum and Student Internship managed by the Computer Laboratory |
According to the clause in the above-mentioned cooperation agreement with the institution, expired cooperation will be automatically extend if neither party objects.