Financial Management

This course explains the objectives and financial decisions, and their application in the company. The discussion begins with the use of accounting information to discuss financial conditions and performance, followed by discussions of short-term financial decisions (working capital). Then discussed about investment decisions, both for companies that have one business unit or many business units, dividend policy, funding policy (including various types of funding and capital markets) and their interaction with investment decisions. The discussion ends with financial planning, both for the long and short term. The aim of this course is to understand various concepts that are relevant in investment decisions, dividend policies, and funding decisions. Students are also expected to be able to use various analytical techniques, both those involving financial decisions, as well as to understand the company’s financial condition and financial planning.

Operational Management

The development of the business world today increasingly requires business people to have a high level of productivity. Various topics discussed in this course are managing operations, signing the conversion system, organizing the conversion system and dynamics of operation management. The purpose of this course is that after taking this course students are expected to understand the concept of operations management, be able to analyze conversion/operation systems and be able to apply operations management techniques to increase company productivity.

Human Resources Management

This course provides an understanding of various concepts and techniques of planning, recruiting, training, developing and utilizing organizational human resources. The language center is the influence of various human resource management practices and activities on the performance and productivity of the workforce. Knowledge of human resource management. The application of textbooks and lecture materials will be carried out through case analysis. Whatever the objectives of this course are: (1) To understand the theoretical concepts, methods and techniques of human resource management, (2) To develop critical thinking (analytical and integrative) in evaluating and using these various concepts, methods and techniques in various decision making situations. decision; (3) To train the application of human resource management through case solving training.

Marketing Management

This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of the concept of marketing management. Therefore, after taking this course, students are expected to be able to use the basics of analysis obtained for making marketing decisions. The topics of discussion in the lecture will include, among others: understanding of marketing, consumer behavior, information systems and marketing research, marketing mix and some special topics in