In order to provide opportunities for the nation’s best sons and daughters to continue their education in higher education, Jenderal Sudirman University (Unsoed) as a state university under the administration of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. In 2021, new student admissions will not only go through the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) and the Joint Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN), as well as through the Independent New Student Admissions Selection (SPMB). SPMB Mandiri Unsoed includes two routes, namely (1) SPMB Mandiri UTBK, and (2) SPMB Mandiri Non UTBK.
The SPMB Mandiri UTBK selection pattern uses the 2021 UTBK scores, high school/vocational/MA or equivalent report cards (semesters 1 to 6), academic achievements, and other achievements including sports and arts and religious achievements. The selection of SPMB Mandiri Non UTBK uses report cards for SMA/SMK/MA, ), academic achievement and other achievements.
There are 2 (two) selection paths at SPMB Mandiri, namely:
- SPMB Mandiri UTBK
The pattern of new student admissions is carried out using the 2021 UTBK scores, report cards and student achievements. SPMB Mandiri UTBK for registration of Undergraduate Programs (Regular Class and International Class) and Diploma Programs. - SPMB Mandiri Non UTBK
The pattern of new student admissions is carried out through report cards and student achievements. SPMB Mandiri Non UTBK related to registration for Undergraduate Programs (International Class) and Diploma Programs.
Participants are allowed to take 2 selection paths (SPMB Mandiri UTBK and SPMB Mandiri non UTBK) by registering for each selection path according to applicable regulations.
- Participants can choose a maximum of 4 study programs, namely 2 undergraduate study programs (regular class and/or international class) and 2 diploma study programs
- Participants who have a Science UTBK score (Science UTBK Group) can only choose study programs that are included in the Science and Technology group
- Participants who have a Soshum UTBK score (Soshum UTBK Group) can only choose study programs that are included in the Soshum group
- Participants who have UTBK Science and Technology scores and UTBK Soshum (Mixed UTBK Group) can choose study programs that are included in the Science and Technology group and the Soshum group
- The Special Program for General Medicine and Dentistry studies must have UTBK Science scores (Science UTBK Group) and a high school/MA graduate from the science major
- The Special Program for Pharmacy Studies must have a Science UTBK score (Science UTBK Group) and graduate from SMA/MA/Vocational Science in the Science Sector
- The order in the study of the electoral program states the priority of choice
- There are 3 test groups namely, Science, Soshum, and Mixed.
- Participants can choose a maximum of 4 study programs, namely 2 Bachelor Programs (International Class) and 2 Diploma study programs.
- The order in the study of the electoral program states the priority of choice.
- SMA/MA/PAKET C Science : Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
- SMA/MA/PACKAGE C Social Studies : Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Economics, Geography, Sociology, History
- SMA/MA/PAKET C LANGUAGES : Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Foreign Languages, Anthropology, Indonesian Literature, History
- SMA/MA THEOLOGY : Mathematics, Indonesian, English
Vocational High School : Mathematics, Indonesian, English
- Saintek / Soshum : Rp. 300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand Rupiah)
- Mix : Rp. 350,000 (Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupiah)
Fees can be selected through one of the following banks, namely Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BTN, and Bank Jateng. All selection fees are non-refundable for any reason.