FEB Adds Network of Higher Education Partners – Jurusan Manajemen

FEB Adds Network of Higher Education Partners

On the same day, it was followed by a visit and a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The Dean and the Deputy Deans and the Chairperson of the SPI FEB UPN Veteran Yogyakarta in the Accounting Seminar Room. In his speech, Dean of FEB UPN Veterans Yogyakarta Dr. Sujatmika, M.Si, said that “With this collaboration, together we will think about our respective institutions so that we can move forward together. Therefore FEB UPN Veteran Yogyakarta opens wide collaboration with any agency to strengthen the MBKM program”.

On the same day, it was followed by a visit and a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The Dean and the Deputy Deans and the Chairperson of the SPI FEB UPN Veteran Yogyakarta in the Accounting Seminar Room. In his speech, Dean of FEB UPN Veterans Yogyakarta Dr. Sujatmika, M.Si, said that “With this collaboration, together we will think about our respective institutions so that we can move forward together. Therefore FEB UPN Veteran Yogyakarta opens wide collaboration with any agency to strengthen the MBKM program”.

On the same day, it was followed by a visit and a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The Dean and the Deputy Deans and the Chairperson of the SPI FEB UPN Veteran Yogyakarta in the Accounting Seminar Room. In his speech, Dean of FEB UPN Veterans Yogyakarta Dr. Sujatmika, M.Si, said that “With this collaboration, together we will think about our respective institutions so that we can move forward together. Therefore FEB UPN Veteran Yogyakarta opens wide collaboration with any agency to strengthen the MBKM program”.

Prof. Wiwiek agreed with what was conveyed by the Dean of FEB UPN Veterans Yogyakarta that the main goal was MBKM collaboration and Tri Dharma collaboration for the closest program that could be implemented, namely student collaboration in activities outside campus and lecturers in activities outside the campus. “We are ready to start collaboration this semester. Many collaboration patterns can be made, one of which is credit learning. This will be followed up further, to be discussed per technical study program, what subjects have been agreed upon, then the teaching team of FEB UPN lecturers is teaching any subjects at FEB Unsoed,” said Prof. Wiwiek. In essence, FEB Unsoed hopes to move forward together. The important thing is to work hand in hand to build and make this MBKM success. This activity was closed with the signing of the cooperation document as the basis for implementing the MBKM program.